Monday, June 18, 2018

Meet Cluck Norris


While cleaning out the other side of the the shed/coop, I caught this Henny Penny trying to lay her egg.
I don't think she was thrilled with the flash. lol.

We are expanding the coop now that we have 22 birds.
Our last batch of chicks integrated pretty easily into the flock. That was a surprise!
They are still small and not laying just yet.

It turns out that none of that batch of chicks were boys.
We had thought two could be, but hoped for one at least.
Well, they are all girls.

A farm we know put up a post about their Ayam Cemani roosters for sale, so we went out to visit and decided we wanted one!
We need a man around the coop to set these haughty ladies straight.

It took this guy a couple of days to not scream when he gets picked up. LOL
I really couldn't believe he was such a screamer! But Anabelle picks him up several times a day and now he's fine with it.

Cluck Norris (named after Chuck Norris) has already helped our flock by breaking up some fights.
Our girls have been a little too brutal to each other lately.

We hope someday one of our broody hens will hatch us some chicks now that we have this guy! Anabelle would love that experience!

1 comment:

  1. Cluck Norris has already proved he is a lover not a should have baby chicks soon. Good luck with your flock. Janice
