Thursday, March 22, 2018

I Won Seeds!

As a homesteader, I follow homestead (and related) blogs to learn as much as I can from like minded people.

One of those blogs is The Thrifty Homesteader, who just hosted a seed giveaway that I won!

The seeds came from Clear Creek Seeds, they sent me 20 different packets!

Spaghetti Squash
Serrano Pepper
Sweet Basil
Bunching Onions
Garlic Chives

Carrots ~ Tendersweet
Beans ~ Kentucky Wonder
Cabbage ~ Golden Acre
Cucumber ~ Boston Pickling
Melon ~ Honey Rock
Beets ~ Detroit Dark Red
Tomato ~ Marglobe
Tomato ~ Beefsteak
Watermelon ~ Sugar Baby
Corn ~ Golden Bantam
Lettuce ~ Butterhead Buttercrunch

Zinnia ~ Scarlet Flame
Sunflower ~ Sungold
Marigold ~ Tiger Eyes

I love the reusable packets they come in.

I'm so excited to plant some of these. I don't think I have room this year to plant them all, but that just gives me goals to expand for next year! I can also share my seeds.

If you needs seeds, check out Clear Creek Seeds website, they have a lot to choose from and offer heirloom, non GMO seeds!

Also check out The Thrifty Homesteader and follow her blog!

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